I recently took a workshop with British medium Tony Stockwell at the Journey Within church in Pompton Lakes, NJ. What an amazing experience! I have been stretched and taken well out of my comfort zone. I have learned new ways to connect with the spirit world. I have learned to look at things in a different light. That made me think of something I am guilty of, and I know you are too. Once we become familiar with something, we get used to it being a certain way and we stop looking outside the box. We become stagnant, set in our ways and if someone or something challenges our sense of "I am comfortable the way it is", quite frankly we feel threatened, scared and insecure . However, the energy of the Universe is in a constant flow, therefore we are constantly expanding, and the only way to feeling good is by keeping up with this expansion, being open to new ideas and experiences, going with the flow, flowing with the rhythm life. A good way to do this is by challenging yourself every day in small ways, by taking a different route home for instance, or by trying a new dish in your favorite restaurant and not sticking with what you already know (I am very guilty of that one!), by learning a new word every day and expanding your vocabulary, even if is your native language. Be inquisitive and watch your life transform.
Viktoria Santo
Spiritual Medium Archives
November 2015
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